Aitorren hizkuntz zaharra
We’d like the old language of Aitora to spread. If we Basques have any blood in our veins then we need to speak in Basque. When I was on my mothers lap the first words she told me in clear Basque were to always keep the Basque language in your heart. When my mother was dying she told me: “Pray in Basque at my tomb after I’m gone”. Our Basque language is so beautiful nobody has ever found one better. We are proud of our Basque language which is proven to be the oldest language in the world. Hail to the Basque people and the Basque language!
Aitorren hizkuntz zaharra, nahi dugu zabaldu.
Munduaren aurrean, gizonki azaldu.
[Baldin gure zainetan, odolik badugu.
Euskaldunak euskaraz, hitzegin behar dugu.]
Zein hizkuntza ederra, euskara guria.
Inun ez dut aurkitzen, beste bat hobea.
[Usain gozo dun hizkuntz, txunkun 'ta argia.
Biraurikan ez duen, hizketa garbia.]
Gora euskara maitea, zoragarriena.
Euskaldunen artean, maitagarriena.
[Munduan sortu denik, hizkuntzik zaharrena.
Gora 'ta gora euskaldunak, eta gure euskara.]
Lehendabiziko hitza haurtxo nintzanean,
Amaren besoetan bular barrenean.
[Hitz hauek erran zidak hizketa garbian,
Gora euskera semetxo, bihotz barrenean.]
Amatxok erran zidan, heriotz aurrean
Agur semetxo laztan, laster lurpean.
[Euskaraz otoitz egin neure lur gainean
Euskara entzun nahi dut nik bai zorionean.]
Ama begira zazu
Lyrics: Herrikoia
Daughter: Mother looked at the plaza from the window to see if there is anybody as good looking as me. (tra la la...). I’ve have pretty eyes and am a good dancer. With such qualities I can Have plenty of boy friends.
Mother: “Baby if it can be so, let it be so. We’ve had our time, now its your turn.”
Ama, begira zazu leihotik plazara:
Ni bezalakorikan plazan ba ote da?
Lai, lai, lai, tra, la ra la ra lai} 2
Begiak erne ditut, bi zangoak arin:
Hoinbertze dohainekin ez nauke mutxurdin.
Lai, lai, lai, tra, la ra la ra lai} 2
Mutikoen artean itzul-inguruka,
Gizon geitzat baduzket dotzean hameka.
Lai, lai, lai, tra, la ra la ra lai} 2
Heldu den primaderan arropa xuritan,
Ederra izanen naiz mahain-sainduetan.
Lai, lai, lai, tra, la ra la ra lai} 2
"Haurra, ahal badaite, hala izan bedi:
Lehen gure aldi zen, orai zuen aldi.
Lai, lai, lai, tra, la ra la ra lai} 2
Ama nola
Ene Ama Zenari
Mundurat Eman Ninduzun
The famed bertsolari Xalbador wrote these verses about his deceased mother who “brought him into the world”. It was with her that he learned how to speak, and it was from her that he learned about love. In 1976 these verses were awarded the Xenpelar song prize.
Ama, nola zure belaunetan nindadukazun denboran
utz nezazu zure bularrean burua pausa dezadan;
ene bihotzak zer sendi duen nahi baiterautzut erran,
zure ezpain sakratuetarik ikasi nuen mintzairan.
Ene deia amodioaren bidez zinuen entzun,
eta gero oinazen erdian mundurat eman ninduzun;
biziaren grazia lehenik, gero hoinbertze maitasun,
berant jakin dut, ama maitea, zendako eman dautazun.
Adierazi zerautanean odolak bere mintzoa,
berriz gogoratu zitzerautan, o ama, zure altzoa;
bai ta zure bularretik hartu esne on haren gozoa,
orduz geroztik zurea naukan ene izaite osoa.
NOIZ SORTU: c.1976 NON SORTU: Nafarroa Beherea EGILEA: Xalbador, Odolaren Mintzoa NOLAKOA: Sentimenduzkoa ITURRIA: Benito Lertxundi, Hitaz Oroit. CD-Elkar, 1997.
OHARRA: Lertxundi selected the
1,2 & 8th of 11 total verses put to his own tune.
Amak Ezkondu Ninduen
Ama eta Alaba
This song captures the dialogue between a mother and daughter over the matter of the latter’s marriage plans. The young bride is not to happy with the arranged marraige: “Mom made me get married at 15 to a man 80 years old.” She is so upset that she threatens to throw the old man out the window. The mother then explains her reasoning: “My daughter you be quiet, he is rich. Be patient a about riches mom, what I want is one twenty year old good looking boy.”
Amak ezkondu ninduen [hamabost urtekin.]
Senarrak bazituen larogei berakin,
eta ni, neskatila gaztea, [agure zaharrekin.]
Ama zertarako dut nik [agure zahar hori]?
hartu ‘ta leihotikan jaurti behar dut nik,
ai ene! ene lehiotikan [jaurti behar dut nik.]
"Neska, hago isilikan [aberatsa dun hori,]
pazientziz pasa itzan urte bat edo bi,
hori hilez geroztikan [biziko haiz ongi.]"
Deabruak daramala [interesatua,]
a, baina nahiago dut nik adin berekoa
ai ene! hogei bat urteko [gazte loratua.]
ITURRIA: Txomin Artola & Amaia Zubiria, Folk-lore-sorta-1. CD-Elkar, 1991. OHARRA: Again there are lyrical variations for this song with numerous other verses (e.g., Euskal Kantak) yet the theme remains the same.
Ameriketara Joan Nintzan
Nevadarat joan nintzan
There are numerous versions of this song. Here the "Nevada" version is presented because it is the most recognized. The composer went to Nevada with no money but with a grand dream of returning with five million. Oh, how the jingle of money makes him happy! But now he laments, what a silly dream. The good and the bad years passed and our fortunes also passed with them. Now I have found the true treasure: though I have little money, my spirit is rich, because my love you are my fortune and my well-being.
[Nevadarat joan nintzan, xentimorik gabe,
handik etorri nintzan maitea, bost milioien jabe.]
Txin, txin, txin txin, diruaren hotsa,
haretxek ematen dit, maitea, bihotzean poza.
[Urteak joan ziren, ona 'ta txarr nahaste,
Gure fortuna haiekin eta, denak berriz haste!]
[Begia zorrotz eta, memoria argi,
Ez den, ez den tokian, maitea, haztaparra garbi.]
[Moltsa arin dut, bainan, aberats gogua!
Nere fortuna zara, maitia, nere sosegua.]
GAIA: Immigration NOIZ SORTU: XX EGILEA: Herrikoia NON AURKITU: Ansorena, Euskal Kantak
OHARRA: This song is also popularly substitutes “Nevada” for Amerika.
Amodioa Gauza Tristea
Esperantzarik gabeko amodioa
Love is a sad thing, destructive of the heart, especially when it is like my love, without any hope. For a man there is no worse misfortune than he sees but can’t get the flower he loves. It would be much better to die than to live this way. Oh God, why did you make me so unhappy, by putting within my sight such a star, that when I saw her I loved her with all my might? On the other hand she has no eyes or heart for me. It would have been much better for me to have never seen her. Oh my love, you are so charming, I love everything about you. Day and night you are on my mind. Thinking that I can never get the star I so much love often brings tears to my eyes. I confess, my love, that I knew early on that you could not be mine, that you were taken by someone else. In spite of this I loved you, I couldn’t help it. As long as I live my heart will be with you. If I cannot live for you then I will die for you.
Amodioa gauza tristea, bihotzen higatzailea,
guziz enea bezala bada esperantzarik gabea.
Gizonarentzat hau baino malur handiagorik badea?
Ikusten eta ezin eskura maitatzen duen lorea!
Hunela bizi baino aunitzez hobe litaike hiltzea!
O, Jainko ona, zendako bada egin nauzu
hoin maluros,
begien bixtan izar eder bat ezarri dautazulatkotz,
ikus orduko maite nuena nik ditudan indar oroz?
Harek ordainez ez du enetzat ez begi eta ez bihotz
Nehoiz ikusi ez banu hobeko nuen ondikotz!
Oi, ene maite ezin ukana, zoin zaren xarmegarria!
Maite dut zure begitartea, maite zure boz eztia,
halaber zure irri gozoa, zure izaite guzia;
zuretzat biazik ez dut begirik, zare ene iguzkia,
gau eta egun zuri pentsatzen deramet ene bizia.
Martxoko hormak galduko duen
lore pollit goiztiarra,
ta eihartzerat bortxatua den aizeak hautsi abarra;
ene bihotza ez ditakikea gauza horier konpara?
Nehoiz enea ez da izanen maitatzen dutan izarra,
hortaz oroituz maiz etortzen zaut nigarra begietara.
Aitorzen dautzut, ene maitea, goiz aski banakiela
etzintaizkela enea izan, bertze batentzat zinela;
bainan halere maitatu zaitut, ez bainezaken bertzela;
ene bihotza, bizi naizeno,
izanen zaizu fidela,
zuretzat bizi banitaike, zuretzat hil nadiela!